Well, it’s done ………..

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I didn’t try to be too clever or too artsy. I think I need to step away from it for a while, put it in the wardrobe until I need it, then see how I feel about it then. I like it, but it’s not my style.
However, in all this indecision I really can’t believe I didn’t take any photos of the process, so I am right royally fed up.
Last week I left you with the sides to be done, after giving them a rough painting beforehand. I found it was easier to add a straight edge to the torn strips of paper, making it easier to work round the edges of the case. The jagged edge on the other side of the paper helped to maintain the effect on the front and back of the case, if that makes sense.
When the sides and bottom were covered it was just a matter of varnishing, varnishing, varnishing with Wickes quick dry, clear glossy varnish. I was worried about how this would effect the fabric strapping round the case, but it was perfect, the paint didn’t run and the material took on a new glossy, solid plastically look. I lost count of all the varnish layers after four, but I knew I wanted the case to stand up to a good bashing!

During the glossing process I fiddle farted with the overall look of the case some more, by adding a few clear toilet seat stickers from Temu (58p a sheet), goodness only knows why!

Although they blended, perhaps a little too well into the overall look, they did add a sort of extra layer, with the paper underneath showing through. However, where they were more effective was over the fabric strapping and some of the hardware, where they joined the pattern of the front, back and sides together, making it more cohesive(?)

A little more varnish and then the case was ready to have the splashes of paint, glue and varnish removed from where it shouldn’t have been, ready to be photographed.
As I said, I do like it, it’s different, however, it’s right out of my comfort zone with the colours. Yes, I have my signature turquoise, but I am not at all keen on the green effect. I think if I’d used turquoise to go over the jagged lines the effect might have been more appealing.
I also wish the flowers popped more, so I am not ruling out adding some biggish, blousy red flowers if I can find a suitable decoupage paper or image to print off, we shall see.
For now, it’s all set for a overnight stay in Cheltenham, when Lu and I go to see Ross Noble, two/three years after the original show was cancelled because of, you’ve guessed it, flipping Covid!